Pool Filter Repair & Installation

The filter could be seen as the Kidneys & Liver of the system, the filter cleans the water as it moves through circulation. Having a properly sized filter for your pool volume, but also making sure it is compatible with your pump is very important. There are many different options for filters; the following is a brief outline of the basic options and the differences between them.


Sand Filters use sand (surprise!) to filter debris and containment out of the water. Sand filters require regular back-washing, a process where the flow through the filter housing is temporarily reversed flushing the debris caught on the surface of the sand to rinse out a drain line. Back-washing is included in our service plan at no additional cost. Sand Filters with standard media filter down to about 20 microns, just under the width of a single strand of human hair. There are alternative media types to sand which filter below 20 microns, however for brevity’s sake we wont go into that here. if you have any questions please contact us via phone, email or the form at the bottom of the page. Installation is simple, sand is heavy, and the sand does need to be replaced once every 5-15 years depending on the type of sand and how well maintained the filter is.

Cartridge Filters:

Most common Filter for residential applications, Cartridge Filters utilize a method of filtration that is somewhat akin to the engine air-filter on a truck or the paper filter in a shop-vac. Rows of pleats (or “Gills”) run vertically between two end-caps which are sealed off forcing flow through the microscopic holes on the surface of the pleats catching dirt, debris and oil on the surface and allowing water through the holes. Cartridges filter down to around 15 microns, and require a thorough break down and clean once every 3 months or so. (Cartridge cleaning is a bit like oil changes, once every 3 months OR every 3,000 miles. If the pool gets a high bather-load, cartridge cleaning may be required more frequently, but should be at a minimum done once every 3 months.) This service requires a break-down of the filter housing and a removal of the cartridge(s) for cleaning and chemical treatment. It generally takes about an hour to an hour and a half and it is not included in the price of monthly service.

Diatomaceous Earth Filters:

Diatomaceous Earth, or DE Filters are at least anatomically speaking: a combination of sand and cartridge filters. Inside a DE filter housing there are grids that lie between two manifolds, just like a cartridges, but those grids are covered in an expendable media which requires regular back-washing, just like a sand filter. DE filters do require more work than any other kind of filter, but the pay off is wonderful water clarity as DE powder allows a filtration rating of 2-3 microns.

DE Filters clearly are the most capable when it comes to filtering out small particulates from the water, however, do you know anyone who can see a difference of 12 microns? Neither do we. Any of the above options are good, although depending on your particular scenario one may make more sense than the others. To determine what filter is best for your pool, replace an existing filter, or simply to troubleshoot a filter which is not behaving itself, please fill out the form below or reach out via phone, text or email.

We look forward to hearing from you!

( 7 0 7 ) 2 4 3 - 3 0 3 7 christian@safiresunpoolsinc.com